CTIW Occasional Newsletter – the eleventh (Winter 2017/18) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes a report of the 2018 CTiW Annual General Meeting. Click here


A new Resource Booklet for Prisons Week 2017 is available for download here


CTIW Occasional Newsletter – the tenth (Autumn 2017) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the ninth (Summer 2017) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the eighth (Spring 2017) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the seventh (Winter 2016/17) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes report of the 2017 CTiW Annual General Meeting. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the sixth (Autumn 2016) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes report of a “Meet the Neighbours” event plus ways in which a number of churches marked Prisons Week 2016. Click here


New Resource Booklet for Prisons Week 2016 – an updated booklet containing additional material is now available. Click here 


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the fifth (Summer 2016) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes Welcome to our new Chairman, reports of a “Meet the Neighbours” event plus news from the CTiW Prisons Project. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the fourth (Spring 2016) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes reports of two “Meet the Neighbours” events plus the CTiW Pentecost 2016 Ecumenical Service. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the third (Winter 2015/6) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes reports from the 2016 AGM and Panel Discussion which followed. Click here


CTiW Occasional Newsletter – the second (Autumn 2015) edition of our Occasional Newsletter is now available and includes reports from the All Night Vigil, the latest “Meet the Neighbours” event, and our Prisons Project. Click here


Animal Blessing Service resources – The Revd Professor Andrew Linzey, PhD, DD, HonDD, Director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics www.oxfordanimalethics.com and member of the Faculty of Theology at Oxford University, has very kindly given us his permission for us to use any of his material, including the helpful “Service for Animal Welfare” which he prepared for the RSPCA, and you can download here Please do take a look.

See also his book “Animal Rites” (from which the material and prayers are taken) containing other prayers and liturgies we have his consent to use, which is here available from Amazon.
Rev Prof Linzey requests if you compile a printed service using any of this material that you please add this line of acknowledgement:

(c) Copyright, material/prayers from Andrew Linzey, Animal Rites: Liturgies of Animal Care, SCM Press, 1999, Wipf and Stock, 2015. andrewlinzey@aol.com


A Report of the 2015 Annual General Meeting now available

CTiW AGM Jan 2015 Report

Poster AGM2015 poster


“Christian Unity Since Vatican II” Conference

Listen to the closing summary and read one of the papers on the following link: http://ctiw.london/christian-unity-since-vatican-ii-memory-present-where-now/



A candlelit carol service held in Farm Street Jesuit Church in Mayfair in early December 2014, in support of the suffering Church in Syria and Iraq, helped to raise more than £2,000 for Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).

At the end of the service Fr Dominic Robinson SJ, who is currently Interim Chair of Churches Together in Westminster, announced that Westminster City Council has agreed to give its support to the resettlement of 50 Syrian refugees within the United Kingdom. Accommodation for the refugees (not necessarily in Westminster) will be provided with assistance from both private landlords in the Christian congregations, and the community organising group London Citizens. Westminster City Council will be requesting full funding from the European Union to facilitate this.

Any churches or individuals interested in helping with this resettlement project should please contact Fr Dominic Robinson SJ, 114 Mount Street, London W1K 3AH, Tel: 020-7529-4802.

Farm Street Church’s own Aid for Syria project not only raises funds for the Jesuit Refugee Service and Aid to the Church in Need for use in their respective work with refugees both in and from Syria, but it also aims to raise awareness and provide opportunities for prayer for the people affected by the current conflicts. Its shrine focuses on kidnapped Jesuit Fr Paolo dall’Oglio SJ missing since July 2013 and Fr Francis van der Lugt SJ, who was murdered in Homs in April 2014.